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Title: Ṣaḥīḥ Abī ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad Ibn Ismāʿīl Ibn Ibrāhīm ... al-Buḫārī : v. III-IV
Other Titles: al-Ǧāmiʿ aṣ-ṣaḥīḥ
Authors: al-Buḫārī, Muḥammad Ibn-Ismāʿīl 
Keywords: Hadith;Hadith - interpretazione e critica
Accessioned Date: 6-Dec-2024
Issue Date: 1878
Publisher: Maṭbaʿa wa-ăl-Kāġadḫāna
Fond: Regio Istituto Orientale. Biblioteca Matteo Ripa 
Place: Il Cairo 
Type: Volume a stampa
Description: Ex inv. MR 18754 Volumi 2, 3: Restaurati con D.Dir. n. 3 del 6/2/2023, Regione Campania
Language: Arabic
Appears in Collections:Libri antichi e rari

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