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Title: Dīwān al-Buḥturī : naqala ʿan nusḫa maškūla qadīma kutibat fī sana 424 uʿniya munḍu ṯamānimiʾa wa-sitta wa-sabʿīn sana bi-ḫaṭṭ ʿAlī Ibn ʿAbdallāh aš-Širāzī bi-madīna Tabrīz wa hiyya fī ġāya aḍ-Ḍabṭ wa-ʾl-ʾatqān
Authors: al-Buḥturī, al-Walīd IbnʿUbaid 
Keywords: Letteratura araba - Diwan;Letteratura araba - poesia classica - testi
Accessioned Date: 27-Jan-2025
Issue Date: 1883
Chronology: 1300
Publisher: Maṭbaʿa al-Ǧawāʾib
Fond: Regio Istituto Orientale. Biblioteca Matteo Ripa 
Place: Istanbul 
Type: Volume a stampa
Language: Arabic
Appears in Collections:Libri antichi e rari

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