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Titolo: Voyages and travels into Brasil and the east-Indies: containing an exact description of the dutch Brasil and divers parts of the East-Indies; their provinces cities living creatures amd products: the manners, customs, habits, and religion of the inhabitants with a most particular account of all the remarkable passages that happened during the author's stay of nine years in Brasil: especially in relation to the revolt of the Portugueses and (...)
Autore: Nieuhof, John 
Parole chiave: Viaggi
Data di accessione: 2-set-2024
Data puntuale: 1703
Editore: Awnsham and John Churchill
Fondo: Regio Istituto Orientale. Biblioteca Matteo Ripa 
Luogo: London 
Tipologia dell'unità di descrizione: Volume a stampa
Percorso : Racconti di viaggio: diari, report, gazzette 
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Lingua: English
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