Publications Contributors

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.091 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateStart DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsDescriptionTypePhysical type
1RARI_AC_VIII_A_1_(4)_0001.tif.jpg1945-History of the expedition in Asia 1927-1935, Part 4: General reports of travels and field-workHedin, Sven Anders Bergman, Folke Volume a stampa
2RARI_AC_VIII_A_1_(1)_0001.tif.jpg1943-History of the expedition in Asia 1927-1935, Part 1: 1927-1928Hedin, Sven Anders Bergman, Folke Volume a stampa
3RARI_AC_VIII_A_1_(2)_0001.tif.jpg1943-History of the expedition in Asia 1927-1935, Part 2: 1928-1933Hedin, Sven Anders Bergman, Folke Volume a stampa
4RARI_AC_VIII_A_1_(3)_0001.tif.jpg1944-History of the expedition in Asia 1927-1935, Part 3: 1933-1935Hedin, Sven Anders Bergman, Folke Volume a stampa