Annali. Sezione Germanica. Anglistica (1974-1996)

Annali. Sezione Germanica. Anglistica (1974-1996)
Coverage Temporal
Vol. 17 (1974)-vol. 34 (1996)
Historical Description
Continuazione della rivista Annali. Sezione germanica (1958-1974). This double blind peer-reviewed journal has since its foundation fostered a keen interest in the latest innovative approaches and provided a forum for the discussion of critical and interdisciplinary approaches. Launched in Naples in 1979 by the late Fernando Ferrara as a separate journal, Anglistica AION is an offshoot of “A.I.O.N. Sezione Germanica”, the Annals of the Istituto Universitario Orientale (now Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”). The Germanic Section, founded in 1958, gradually developed separate sectors devoted to the different linguistic areas; in 1974 Anglistica was published for the first time. It was edited by Fernando Ferrara till 1996 and under the direction of Lidia Curti, Jane Wilkinson, and Anna Maria Cimitile, Anglistica AION: An Interdisciplinary Journal has provided an important public intellectual space for interdisciplinary approaches to the English language, literature and culture, such as Cultural Studies, Post-colonial, Gender and Ecocritical Studies, Old and New Media Studies, and lately Critical Discourse Analysis and World Englishes. The Journal is renowned for its rich mix of the scholarly and the artistic and continues to engage and cultivate differential conversations and cultural interests while maintaining its core commitment to scientific excellence.
Owned Years
Vol. 17 (1974)-vol. 34 (1996)

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